Ted Glick


those of us who believe that fundamental change is needed in the United States

and the world, there is a new development that we all need to welcome,

understand, support and work with: the non-violent army.


just-concluded protests in Washington, D.C. against the IMF and the World Bank

bore witness to this historic development. Many thousands of people from across

the country followed up successfully from the November 30, 1999 disruption of

the World Trade Organization in Seattle by focusing the attention of the world

on these two linchpins of the world’s corporate-dominated, destructive, economic

and financial system.


traditional military army is made up at its base primarily of young people. This

is true of the non-violent army of this first decade of the 21st century; fully

80-85% or more of those who blockaded the streets of downtown D.C. were under



traditional army is organized using platoons, companies, battalions, brigades

and divisions. The non-violent army is organized on the basis of affinity

groups, flying squads, clusters and slices.


traditional army is trained in techniques of offense and defense, expecting to

take and inflict casualties. The non-violent army is learning the techniques of

civil disobedience, jail solidarity and legal issues, while also expecting to

face tear gas, pepper spray, clubs, rubber bullets, horses, arrests or beatings.

It makes no plans for the infliction of casualties on anybody.


in traditional armies have uniforms and equipment appropriate to their

situation. The non-violent army uses sneakers, boots, vinegar-soaked bandanas,

eye goggles, ponchos and an occasional gas mask.


armies have communications systems in place for those times when engaged in

battle. The non-violent army uses cell phones and walkie talkies, bicyclists and

runners on foot, and a tactical operations group to re-deploy flying squads and

clusters as needed.


armies have weapons of destruction. The non-violent army has weapons of the

heart, spirit, mind and organization.


in four and a half months this non-violent army has mobilized its forces, and it

will do so again. Throughout the days of preparation in D.C. leading up to the

April 16th mass disruption, in evening "spokes council" meetings

attended by many hundreds of people, the leaders of this non-violent army

emphasized that as significant as this one battle was, there was a critical need

to build an on-going movement.


cannot do justice to the importance of this development.


is a new type of movement, in many ways. It is led predominantly by women. It is

deeply committed to democracy, direct democracy in which the goal is respect for

the opinions and input of all who are part of the movement. It is a movement

which sings; one of the most moving songs has these words: "Rise up, we

don’t have long; Come together, keep our movement strong." It integrates

art, dance, humor, theatre, drumming and creativity into its work and actions.

And it tries to operate by consensus.


is not a movement without weaknesses. The most glaring is its racial

composition. Despite organized and active outreach efforts, and despite holding

its demonstrations and blockades in predominantly African American Washington,

D.C., the percentage of people of color participating in the meetings and the

street actions remained in the single digits, percentage-wise. Perhaps even more

significant, there were no people of color in major, visible positions of

leadership for and during the street actions.


is also a movement, a non-violent army, struggling with how to build a national

organizational structure and process based on direct democracy, consensus and as

much decentralization as possible in a country as big as this one when people

are not together in one city planning for an action. Even when together, the

efforts to hammer out consensus sometimes mean the alienation of those not able

to "hang" with long meetings.


these weaknesses cannot obscure the fact that the groups under the Direct Action

Network umbrella which worked together on April 16th have provided a jolt of

electricity, again, to the progressive movement, to the country as a whole, and

to struggling people the world over. Through a deeply-felt commitment to taking

action to save our endangered ecosystem and improve the lives of the world’s

poor, here and abroad, this non-violent army of thousands is displaying

international solidarity of the highest magnitude. By their willingness to put

their bodies on the line for global justice they are reminding us all that,

indeed, there "ain’t no power like the power of the people, and the power

of the people don’t stop."


Glick is the National Coordinator of the Independent Progressive Politics

Network and an activist in the New York/northern New Jersey area.



Ted Glick has devoted his life to the progressive social change movement. After a year of student activism as a sophomore at Grinnell College in Iowa, he left college in 1969 to work full time against the Vietnam War. As a Selective Service draft resister, he spent 11 months in prison. In 1973, he co-founded the National Committee to Impeach Nixon and worked as a national coordinator on grassroots street actions around the country, keeping the heat on Nixon until his August 1974 resignation. Since late 2003, Ted has played a national leadership role in the effort to stabilize our climate and for a renewable energy revolution. He was a co-founder in 2004 of the Climate Crisis Coalition and in 2005 coordinated the USA Join the World effort leading up to December actions during the United Nations Climate Change conference in Montreal. In May 2006, he began working with the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and was CCAN National Campaign Coordinator until his retirement in October 2015. He is a co-founder (2014) and one of the leaders of the group Beyond Extreme Energy. He is President of the group 350NJ/Rockland, on the steering committee of the DivestNJ Coalition and on the leadership group of the Climate Reality Check network.

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