Cynthia Peters


the exact number of people taking Ritalin is not known, this year, experts

estimate, as many as two million Americans – the vast majority of them

children — will take the medication, some as often as five times a day. …

Critics within the medical community itself say the drug is being

overprescribed by doctors whose understanding of ADHD [Attention Deficit and

Hyperactivity Disorder] is woefully inadequate. They charge that the hallmark

symptoms of the disorder – inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity – could

describe just about any child."

"The Rise of Ritalin" from The Morning Journal


there is no medical proof that there is such a thing as Attention Deficit and

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), over 3.5 million children in the United States

are diagnosed as having some form of it. It is considered America’s number 1

childhood psychiatric disorder and in the U.S. we prescribe Ritalin to treat it

at a rate that is five times higher than the rest of the world combined.


and other medications represent the second prong in what appears to be the

medical community’s two-pronged effort to treat or control the

"disorders" suffered by a whopping 10 to 20 percent of U.S. children

[Boston Globe, 6/28/99]. (See my previous July 1999 commentary, "Children:

Their Deficiencies, Disorders, and Developmental Delays" for discussion of

behavior modification – the other prong in the treatment effort, spearheaded by

the new medical specialty Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.)


R. Breggin, M.D., of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and

Psychology writes in Talking Back to Ritalin (published by Common Courage Press)


  • A

    large percentage of children become robotic, lethargic, depressed, or

    withdrawn on [Ritalin].

  • Withdrawal

    from Ritalin can cause emotional suffering, including depression,

    exhaustion, and suicide. This can make children seem psychiatrically

    disturbed and lead mistakenly to increased doses of medication.

  • Ritalin

    is addictive and can become a gateway drug to other addictions. It is a

    common drug of abuse among children and adults.

  • ADHD

    and Ritalin are American and Canadian medical fads. The U.S. uses 90% of the

    world’s Ritalin. CibaGeneva Pharmaceuticals (also known as Ciba-Geigy

    Corporation), a division of Novartis, is the manufacturer of Ritalin. It is

    trying to expand the Ritalin market to Europe and the rest of the world.

  • Ritalin

    "works" by producing malfunctions in the brain rather than by

    improving brain function. This is the only way it works.

  • Short-term,

    Ritalin suppresses creative, spontaneous and autonomous activity in

    children, making them more docile and obedient, and more willing to comply

    with rote, boring tasks, such as classroom school work and homework.

  • There

    is a great deal of research to confirm that environmental problems cause

    ADHD-like symptoms.

  • A

    very small number of children may suffer ADHD-like symptoms because of

    physical disorders, such as lead poisoning, drug intoxication, exhaustion,

    and head injury. Physical causes may be more common among poor communities

    in the United States.

  • Ciba

    spends millions of dollars to sell parent groups and doctors on the idea of

    using Ritalin. Ciba helps to support the parent group, CH.A.D.D., and

    organized psychiatry.

  • The

    U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

    push Ritalin as vigorously as the manufacturer of the drug, often in even

    more glowing terms than the drug company could get away with legally.


Breggin goes on to ask, what if, instead of diagnosing the child, we diagnosed

the situation? He lists several ADHD-inducing life experiences, including (among


  • Environments

    that don’t meet a child’s basic needs for positive involvement with life,

    including unconditional love from attentive adults … ;

  • Environments

    that don’t meet a child’s basic needs for rational and consistent

    discipline, reasonable principles of conduct, and firm but loving limits on

    negative behavior;

  • Environments

    devoid of older children and adults who can provide models for rational,

    moral and loving behavior; and

  • Environments

    created for the convenience of adult managers rather than for the growth and

    development of children [Talking Back to Ritalin, pp. 328-329].


the medical community should be identifying diseases, conditions, and symptoms,

and administering treatments and cures if possible, it should also concern

itself with the larger context. When considering an inattentive child, for

example, perhaps we should consider the possibility that it is quite reasonable

that a small child would have an attention deficit in an institution like a

school – many of which are so clearly deficient themselves and which offer very

little that anyone would want to focus their attention on. Or perhaps

"acting out" in the home could be seen as sensible given the isolation

that many people experience at home, and the few outlets that children and

parents have to interact productively in the larger society. Furthermore,

doctors should ask: Who defines what is appropriate behavior? What is the range

that is considered acceptable? Is our society structured to accept only a narrow

range of behaviors, relegating the rest to medication, institutionalization,

and/or ostracization?


it is the job of progressive activists and commentators to keep questioning the

role of large pharmaceutical companies in determining medical treatments, to

investigate the social/political/economic institutions that mandate certain

behaviors, to analyze the way the health care industry "treats" us and

our perhaps quite orderly responses to the disastrous disorders we face every

day, and to look out for children – our most vulnerable social grouping in our

market-driven, expert-driven society.




Cynthia Peters is the editor of The Change Agent magazine, an adult education teacher, and a nationally known professional development provider. She creates social-justice-oriented materials that feature student voices, along with standards-aligned, classroom-ready activities that teach basic skills and civic engagement. As a professional development provider, Cynthia supports teachers to apply evidence-based strategies to improve student persistence and develop curriculum and program norms that promote racial equity. Cynthia has a BA in social thought and political economy from UMass/Amherst. She is a long-time editor, writer, and community organizer in Boston.

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