ZSVS, June 2006: Interviews

ZSVS Participant Interview with…

Chhandasi Pandya

(1) Where were you born, where do you now live, what has been your main, schooling, employment, family life, etc.? In short, introduce yourself personally.

I was born in Gujarat, India and moved to New York City with my family in 1984. I attended the University of Maryland as an undergraduate, where I studied journalism and economics. I worked for about three years as an editor and reporter in the mainstream media, first at Bloomberg News and then at Dow Jones Newswires (where I did writing and editing for The Wall Street Journal). I’m currently getting my Master’s degree in Economic Development from Columbia University. I live on my own, but my parents, brother and sister-in-law also live in New York City.


(2) What have been your main political involvements in the past? Are you involved with particular movements, projects, or organizations now? If so, which? What features would an International Political Organization have to embody to attract you? What features would repel you? In short, introduce yourself politically.

I’ve been involved in writing about political economy, with a focus on South Asia and to a lesser extent, the Andean region of Latin America over the last several years. I spent a few months guest producing for Democracy Now! I’ve also written for SAMAR Magazine, ZNet and Z Magazine, CounterPunch and TheNewStandard. An International Political Organization would have to be a place where open discussion is possible…i.e., while strong political analysis and grounding is important, close-mindedness to other ideas is harmful, I believe. The organization would have to have a clear set of goals that have been agreed upon collectively and that are "realistic" in the sense that they are definable and workable. An organization that it rigid in its hierachy would repel me. While I believe leadership is important, a rotating, collectively-decided leadership structure would be interesting.  


(3) Imagine you are giving a public talk The question and answer period arrives. Someone says, "I know you are against capitalism, anti-racist, and anti-sexist. I know you believe in participation, want solidarity, require sustainability, and seek justice. Me too. But in a real world society, what institutions do you seek so as to fulfill those aims? What are your structural goals?" How do you answer? In short, explore a bit in the directions ZSVS seeks to emphasize.

Structural goals can only develop when there is participation in the decision-making process. It is because I believe in participation that I am anti-racist, anti-sexist, etc. On a local level, participatory planning is key to developing inclusive institutions. In order to translate this onto a national level, time and experience on the local level is thus necessary. Therefore, the structural goals I espouse – participation in both the development and implementation of economic, social and legal institutions – would take a lot of time, trial and error to work.


(4) What do you hope to get out of ZSVS, personally, for your self and for your work? For us all, what do you think will most likely come out of ZSVS? Also, what do you hope, in your most optimistic moment, will come out of it? In short, affect what we all plan and undertake and the tone we do it with.

In my most optimistic moment, I see this meeting as a possibility to create a network of writers, activists and thinkers with a more public face, in order to be a consistent source of solid political analysis and vision. There are a lot of imporant ideas circulating among the attendees and their respective networks…a more organized, connected network through which to disseminate those ideas would be exciting for me personally and politically. For myself, I know I will learn from the other attendees and hopefully this will be the first step for me to expand my writing and analysis beyond political economy.


The goals of ZSVS will be:

  • To explore ideas about long
    term vision and related long and short term strategy and program, to reach
    agreements and clarify persisting differences
  • To facilitate people laying a basis for working together
  • To facilitate people
    establishing joint projects
  • To generate enough agreement to initiate some
    joint or collective work
  • To generate enough agreement to initiate continuing and/or
    enlarging group connections
  • Additionally, Z will video,
    record, and otherwise keep transcripts. Some material will  appear
    in Z, on ZNet, and/or in book form – with permissions, of course.



Click for person’s page
Click to email person
Click to read
Click to read – will become links as the
articles arrive…


Andrea Schmidt
Chantel Santerre
Evan Henshaw Plath
Felipe Pérez Martí
Harsha Walia
The Apartheid of Migration
Irina Ceric
Jamie LeJeune
Jonah Gindin
Kendra Fehrer
Marina Sitrin
Ria Julien
Sean Gonsalves
Rawa and Feminist Strategy
Tamara Vukov
Thomas Ponniah

A number of people at one time or another during the preparations for ZSVS 2006 indicated
a desire to attend, but were later unable to do so. These included:

America Vera Zavala – Sweden Anthony Arnove – U.S. Barbara Ehrenreich – U.S. Betsy Hartman – U.S. Bill Fletcher – U.S.
Boris Kagarlitsky – Russia Bridgit Anderson – Great Britain Carol Delgado – Venezuela Carola Reintjes- Spain Charlotte Ryan – U.S.
Christophe Aguiton – Italy Daniel Chavez – Neth Dennis Brutus Devinder Sharma – India Elaine Bernard – U.S.
Hector Mondragon – Colombia Hilary Wainwright – Great Britain Ilan PappeIsrael John Hepburn – Australia John Pilger – Great Britain
Katha Pollitt – U.S. Laura Flanders – U.S. Leslie Cagan – U.S. Mandisi Majavu – South Africa Manuel Rozental – Colombia
Manning Marable – U.S. Pablo Ortellado – Brazil Pervez Hoodhboy – Pakistan Peter Bohmer – U.S. Robert Jensen – U.S.
Robin Kelley – U.S. Ron Daniels – U.S. Sudhanva Deshpande – India Tanya Reinhart – Israel Tim Wise – U.S.
Trevor Ngwane – South Africa Vandana Shiva – India Vijay Prashad – U.S.

A number of other folks either said no to coming, or didn’t respond at all

Tariq Ali – Great Britain Arundhati Roy – India Sheila Rowbotham – Great Britain Naomi Klein – Can Amy Goodman – U.S.
Juliet Shor – U.S. Luca Cassarini – Italy Howard Zinn – U.S. Walden Bello (Phil) Virginia Setshedi (SoAfr)
Vittorio Agnoletto – Italy Adele Oliveri – Italy Atilo Boron – Arg


Click the following names for their ZSVS introductory interview…
Each participant has been sent the same series of questions to answer.
When the answers arrive they are linked here.

Ezekiel Adamovsky Michael Albert Jessica Azulay Normand Baillargeon Jeremy Brecher
Denis Brutus Irina Ceric Brian Dominick Mark Evans Kendra Fehrer
Susan George Jonah Gindin Sean Gonzalves Andrej Grubacic Ria Julien
Sonali Kolhatkar Jamie LeJeune Rahul Mahajan Mandisi Majavu Felipe
Pérez Martí
Hector Mondragon Cynthia Peters Evan Henshaw Plath Justin
Thomas Ponniah
Milan Rai Manuel Rozental Chantal Santerre Lydia Sargent Andrea Schmidt
Stephen Shalom Devinder Sharma Chris Spannos Marina Sitrin Marie Trigona
Vera Zavala
Tamara Vukov Harsha Walia Tom Wetzel Greg Wilpert


Submitted Interviews But Could Not Attend….

Sudhanva Deshpande  Francesca Fiorentini John Hepburn Pervez Hoodbhoy
Robert Jensen Mandisi
Chhandasi Pandya Ilan Pappe Vijay Prashad
Carola Reintjes Max



ZSVS Agenda
This agenda is in process of formation
in light of proposed papers, some guesses, etc.
Things will change, somewhat…no

Please see immediately below the timetable for information
on the format of presentations and questions…

June 1 / Thursday

Anytime All Day
Arrive Logan Airport in Boston, take hour and a
half Bonanza bus ride, arrive Woods Hole. Also possible, arrive Providence, Rhode
Island, but Bonanza bus trip to Woods Hole is longer and somewhat more compilcated.
Check-in at Motel, etc.

Dinner and Socializing at Swope Hall: 6:00 – 7:30 PM

Official Welcome, Introductions, and Orientation 8:30 – 10:00 PM


June 2 / Friday – Economic/Social Vision and Strategy

Breakfast and Socializing at Swope Hall: 7:00 – 8:30 AM

Morning Session: 9:00 – 10:30 AM

Self-Management in Argentina

Questions: Spannos, Baillargeon

Small Group Discussions: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

Lunch and Socializing at Swope Hall: 12:00 – 1:15 PM

Afternoon Session One: 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Linking Post-Capitalist Alternatives

Questions: Julien, Gindin

Afternoon Session Two: 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Workers’ Liberation

Questions: Peters, Ceric

Small Group Discussions 5:10 – 6:00 PM

Dinner and Socializing at Swope Hall: 6:15 – 7:15 PM

Evening Session: 8:00 – 9:30 PM
Building A Pareconish Movement

Questions: Pérez-Martí, George

Whole Group Sum Up, Socializing, Filmed Interviews: 9:30 – 11:00 PM


June 3 / Saturday – Political Vision
and Strategy

Breakfast and Socializing at Swope: 7:00 – 8:30 AM

Morning Session: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Power and Revolution

Questions: Baillargeon, Julien

Small Group Discussions: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

Lunch and Socializing at Swope: 12:00 – 1:15 PM

Afternoon Session One: 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Free Information, Free Software & Revolution

Questions: Plath, Azulay

Afternoon Session Two: 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Adamovsky: Autonomous Politics
Questions: Dominick, Wetzel

Small Group Discussions 5:10 – 6:00 PM

Dinner and Socializing at Swope Hall: 6:15 – 7:15 PM

Evening Session: 8:00 – 9:30 PM
Visionary Politics

Questions: Schmidt, Albert

Whole Group Sum Up, Socializing, Filmed Interviews 9:30 – 11:00 PM…

June 4 / Sunday – Gender Vision and Strategy

Breakfast and Socializing at Z House: 7:00 – 8:30 AM

Morning Session: 9:00 -10:30 AM

Peters: Kinship Vision
Questions: Sitrin, Fehrer

Small Group Discussions: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

Lunch and Socializing at Z House: 12:00 – 1:15 PM

Afternoon Session One: 1:30 – 3:00 PM

— Kolhatkar: RAWA and Feminist Strategy
Evans, George

Afternoon Session Two: 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Are We Going With These Sessions – Discussing Outcomes, etc.

Free Time 5:10 – 6:00 PM

Dinner and Socializing at Z: 6:15 – 7:15 PM

Party at Z 8:00 – 10:30 PM…

June 5 / Monday – Race and Community Vision and Strategy

Breakfast and Socializing at Swope Hall: 7:00 – 8:30 AM

Morning Session: 9:00 – 10:30 AM

Race, Culture, & Leftists

Questions: Gonsalves, Ponniah

Small Group Discussions: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

Lunch and Socializing at Swope Hall: 12:00 – 1:15 PM

Afternoon Session Two: 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Walia: The Apartheid of Migration
Questions: Shalom, Plath

Afternoon Session One: 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Where Are We Going With These Sessions – Discussing Outcomes, etc.

Small Group Discussions 5:15 – 6:15 PM

Dinner and Socializing at Swope Hall: 6:30 – 7:30 PM

Evening: Where Are We Going With These Sessions – Discussing Outcomes, etc.
/ Socializing – 8:00 –
11:00 PM…

June 6 / Tuesday – International Relations
Vision and Strategy

Breakfast and Socializing at Swope Hall: 7:00 – 8:30 AM

Morning Session: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
World Upside Down

Questions: Spannos, Gindin

Small Group Discussions: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

Lunch and Socializing at Swope Hall: 12:00 – 1:15

Afternoon Session One: 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Global People’s Law?

Questions: Halimi, Sitrin

Afternoon Session Two: 3:30 – 5:00 PM
— Mahajan: Internationalism…
Questions: Vukov, Podur

Small Group Discussions 5:10 – 6:00 PM

Dinner and Socializing at Swope Hall: 6:15 – 7:15 PM

Lasting Outcomes of ZSVS: 8:00 – 11:00

June 7 / Wednesday

Checkout: Roughly 10:00 AM
Flights out from Logan Airport (or, via more difficult bus connections from Providence)
all day as arranged.

Proposed Format
(Please send requests for either general changes,
or changes in your own sessions.)

Presentation Sessions

  • Presentations will be chaired by the presenter.
  • All papers will be available online to participants a month in advance.
  • Presentations will summarize papers for at most thirty minutes.
  • Presentations will offer claims about vision and or strategy, or about tasks
    regarding vision and or strategy.
  • Named questioners will ask questions they and perhaps others have about how
    to understand or expand on the presenter’s points seeking to provoke discussion and
  • Named questioners will be limited to four minutes each.
  • Anyone who wants to present more in-depth comments in advance, for posting,
    or debate, etc., should do so.
  • After initial questions are asked, the presenter will answer for at most twenty
    minutes, and then take further questions and comments from all attending.
  • Toward the close of the session the presenter will get a sense of the room regarding
    his or her claims – do people agree with them, disagree with them, or are they unclear
    about them – to provide grist for small group explorations.

Small Group Discussions

  • Each day everyone will randomly get a colored slip before sessions – red, yellow,
    blue, green – and there will be four groups based on all members having the same
    color slip.
  • Morning and afternoon small group discussions will be in these groups to facilitate
    that everyone spends time with everyone else and that there are small sessions for
    sharing ideas, etc.
  • We considered a proposal that people have meals with their small groups, but
    decided we might get burned in oil for micro-managing.


Adamovsky: Autonomous Politics Albert: Building A Pareconish Movement
Brecher: Global People’s Law? Grubacic: Power and Revolution
Martí: Free Information, Free Software & Revolution Peters: Kinship Vision
Podur: Race, Culture, & Leftists Rai: World Upside Down
Shalom: Visionary Politics Spannos: World Without War
Trigona: Self-Management in Argentina Wetzel: Workers’ Liberation
Wilpert: Linking Post-Capitalist Alternatives

Housing, Food, etc.

The Nautilous Motel

Harsha Walia / Ria Julien Andrea Schmidt / Cynthia Peters Susan George
Marie Trigona / Sonali Kolhatkar Tamara Vukov / Irina Ceric Andrej Grubacic / Marina Sitrin
Justin Podur / Greg Wilpert Jessica Azulay / Brian Dominick  Kendra Fehrer / Thomas Ponniah
Normand Baillargeon / Chantel Santerre Milan Rai / Mark Evans Steve Shalom / Jonah Gindin
Ezequiel Adamovsky / Rahul Mahajan  Felipe Pérez Martí / Chris Spannos Jeremy Brecher / Serge Halimi
Evan Henshaw Plath Jamie LeJeune / Tom Wetzel
Lydia Sargent and Michael Albert (Z House)
Sean Gonsalves and Andy Dunn (commute)


Z pre-paid meals will be at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute’s Swope Hall.
Swope is a large University type dining hall, for marine biology students and faculty
– world famous and teeming with international students and scientist/professors.

The meals are all you can eat, with diverse selections.
It isn’t gourmet, but it is quite good, and they have ample vegetarian selections
and even make a credible stab at Vegan offerings.

It is also possible to eat at any of numerous local restaurants for breakfast,
lunch, or dinner,for those who want to escape the larger venue at some point, though
this is on your own tab.

Sunday meals will be catered at the Z House, as Swope Hall is closed. Excellent



Early June in Wood Holes is volatle. It will be mostly long pants and reasonably
warm clothing, especially for the evening or if there is a cold rainy day – but also
bring summer weight shorts and, if you would like to swim at a nearby beach, a swimming

There are times when people, especially from hot climates, will want sweaters,
etc. Other times, most everyone would have short sleeves. In short, come diversely
prepared, depending on your needs. An umbrella is likely to prove useful once or
twice. Our real summar weather starts a couple to three weeks later…which is why
we get good prices on motel rooms, etc., in early June.

Temperatures can range from 50F to 80F but are likely to be in the 58F to 68F
range, most often, unless we get an early warm spell.



Tactics, Strategy, Etc. …

Conspiracy Theory
Various essays critical of conspiracy theory, with some debate.

Primarily Albert and ZNeter Brian Dominick debate the merits of consensus decision making.

Lydia Sargent satire essays critiquing confused feminisms.

Albert and Katha Pollit debate media, the Nation, etc.



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