
EXHIBIT – Through a combination of techniques such as painting, mono-printing, and sewing, Artist Annemarie Zwack began to create the series of quilted paintings against the war titled “Where the Wheel Was Born.” From February 2 through March 2, 2008 Zwack’s exhibit will find a home at the Hopper House Art Center in Nyack, New York. 

Contact: Annemarie Zwack, 607-589-7649; zwack@zwack;

THEATER – The Bread and Puppet Theater will be in Boston from February 4-10 offering performances, an art exhibit on Palestinian youth, and a “Cheap Art” Sale at the Boston Center for the Arts Cyclorama. 

Contact: Bread & Puppet Theater, 753 Heights Road, Glover, VT 05839; 802-525-3031 or 802-525-1271;;

EVOLUTION – Evolution Weekend is scheduled for February 8-10 to demonstrate that religious people from many faiths and locations understand that evolution is sound science and poses no problems for their faith, affiliated with the Clergy Letter Project repudiating anti-science fundamentalism. 


FILM FESTIVAL – Amnesty International presents Justice without Borders, the 16th Annual Seattle Human Rights Film Festival from February 13-17, featuring films of social conscience with lively forums responding to the human rights issues facing contemporary residents of empire. 

Contact: Amnesty International Puget Sound, PO Box 45777, Seattle, WA 98145; 206-228-8369;;

TEACH-IN – The 7th Annual Local to Global Justice Teach-in comes to Arizona State University in Tempe on March 1-2, 2008. Our theme this year is “Turning Walls into Bridges.” This free event will feature talks by POOR magazine founder Tiny Gray-Garcia, labor activist and muralist Mike Alewitz, and social justice educator Mara Sapon-Shevin. Also enjoy workshops from local grassroots groups, delicious food, and great music, all dedicated to forging ties across diverse struggles. 


MEDIA CONFERENCE – The 5th Annual 2008 NYC Grassroots Media Conference is scheduled for Sunday, March 2 from 9 AM to 6 PM at Hunter College. The theme is Speaking Truth to Power: Media Justice in Our Communities and will feature workshops, skills sharing, and exhibits. 

Contact – NYC Grassroots Media Coalition c/o NACLA, 38 Greene St. 4th Floor, NY, NY 10013;;

ACTIVIST CONFERENCE – The 11th Annual National Conference on Organized Resistance (NCOR) will be held March 7-9, 2008 in Washington, DC. This weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares is held on the main campus of American University.

CONTACT: NCOR, Mary Graydon 271, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016;;

WOMEN’S STRIKE – International Women’s Day, March 8, has also been a day of protest, education, and direct action to redress the ongoing oppression of women who do two-thirds of all the world’s work—most of it without pay or formal benefits and often in slave conditions. 


WINTER SOLDIER – From March 13-16, 2008, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to give first-hand testimony to the brutality, criminality, and stupidity of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Winter Soldiers, according to founding father Thomas Paine, are those who stand up for the soul of their country, even in its darkest hours. The event also honors the influential Winter Soldier campaign of Vietnam Veterans in 1971. 

Contact: IVAW, PO Box 8296, Philadelphia, PA 19101; 215-241-7123;;

EDUCATION – The 2008 Rouge Forum Conference, “Education: Reform or Revolution?” will be hosted by Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, March 14-16. The Rouge Forum is a group of educators, students, and parents seeking a democratic society. 

Contact: Adam Renner, 502-452-8135;;

LEFT FORUM – The 2008 Left Forum is scheduled for March 14-16 at the Cooper Union in NYC. Discussion panels, workshops, info tables, and more are offered at this largest gathering in North America of the U.S. and international Left. Participants include: Naomi Klein, Grace Lee Boggs, Tariq Ali, Staughton Lynd, Billionaires for Bush, Mahmood Mamdani, Adam Hochschild, Jeremy Scahill, David Harvey, Max Elbaum, Stanley Aronowitz, Frances Fox Piven, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Patricia McFadden, Patrick Bond, John Bellamy Foster, Michael Albert, Carlos Vilas, Dennis Brutus, Deepa Fernandes, and many more. 

Contact: Left Forum, c/o PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016; 212-817-2003;;

PEACE DEMOS – March 19 is the five-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Demonstrations and marches will occur around the country in commemoration and to pressure the U.S. government to stop its ongoing criminal occupation, with a large gathering for nonviolent civil disobedience planned in Washington, DC. 

Contact: UFPJ, PO Box 607, Times Square Station, NY, NY 10108; 212-868-5545;;

BOOKFAIR – The 2008 Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair will take place on March 22-23 at the San Francisco County Fair Building in Golden Gate Park. 

Contact: Anarchist Bookfair c/o Bound Together, 1369 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117;;

LABOR CONFERENCE – Calling all troublemakers. The annual Labor Notes conference is scheduled for April 11-13 in Dearborn, Michigan. Young and old will come together for workshops and strategy in fighting back and taking what’s ours from the corporate oligarchy. This year’s theme: Rebuilding Labor’s Power.

Contact: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI  4821; 313-842-6262;;

PEACE CONFERENCE – War and Its Discontents: Understanding Iraq and the U.S. Empire is a conference for historians and activists, co-sponsored by the Peace History Society. The conference will take place April 11-13, 2008, in Atlanta, GA. 


LA FORUM – The Los Angeles Social Forum is scheduled for April 25-27, with planning still underway and opportunities available for organizations and individuals to help. 

Contact: LA Social Forum, PO Box 50359, Los Angeles, CA 90050; 213-596-8226;;

CLASS STUDY – The Center for Study of Working Class Life will have its annual conference, “How Class Works” at the State University of New York at Stony Brook June 5-7. 

Contact: Michael Zweig, Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life, Department of Economics, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794; 631-632-7536;;


EDUCATION – The New School for Pluralistic Anti-Capitalist Education (New SPACE) is a new anti-capitalist educational project dedicated to developing and advancing ideas for social change. Together with the new movements for global justice, we believe that “another world is possible”—a world free from the domination of capital and free for the flowering of human powers and talents. 

Contact: The New SPACE, PO Box 19, Planetarium Station, NY 10024; 800-377-6183;;

MEDIA – MediaBite is a non-profit website dedicated to exposing bias in corporate, mainstream media. 



DEINDUSTRIALIZATION – Through oral history, photos, and interpretive essays, Corporate Wasteland: The Landscape and Memory of Deindustrialization by Steven High and David W. Lewis offers a fresh interpretation of the rusting U.S. industrial infrastructure, its heritage and future. 

Contact: Cornell University Press, 512 East State St., Ithaca NY 14850; 607-277-2211;;

ELECTIONS – In Framing the Future: How Progressive Values Can Win Elections and Influence People, Bernie Horn offers step-by-step instructions for winning the culture war and future elections reclaiming the core progressive values at the heart of American idealism from the political right 

Contact: Berrett-Keohler Publishers, 235 Montgomery St., Ste. 650, San Francisco, CA 94104; 415-288-0260;;

ESSAYS – Confrontations: Selected Journalism collects together for the first time essays by Kristian Williams (Our Enemies in Blue, American Methods: Torture and the Logic of Domination) examining political control in the United States. This 80-page pamphlet features a foreword by Ward Churchill, as well as a new preface and introductions to each section by the author. 

Contact: Tarantula Publishing and Distribution, 818 SW 3rd Ave PMB 1237, Portland, OR 97204;;

NATIVE AMERICANWisconsin Indian Literature: Anthology of Native Voices presents in their own words the struggles and stories of Wisconsin Indians to maintain their sovereignty, cultural integrity, and ecology; edited by Kathleen Tigerman. 

Contact: University of Wisconsin Press, 1930 Monroe Street, Third Floor, Madison, WI 53711-2059; 608-263-0734;;

REPRESSION – In Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America (Revised Edition), Kristian Williams demonstrates that police misconduct isn’t just a matter of a “bad apples,” but a function of the very nature of policing in the U.S. 

Contact: South End Press, 7 Brookline St. , Cambridge, MA 02139; 800-533-8478;;

VENEZUELA – In Rethinking Venezuelan Politics, Caracas-based academic Steve Ellner examines the central significance of the country’s economic and social cleavages to the Chavista movement and the anti-neoliberal global south. 

Contact: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 800 30th Street, Suite 314, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-444-6684;;



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