

IPPS Strategy & Vision Q&A

Members of The International Project for a Participatory Society (IPPS) were asked to respond to a short list of questions relating to a future participatory society and how to get there. Although broadly formulated, the questions are aimed at extrapolating IPPS member thoughts and experiences on matters of strategy and vision. Here is Patrick Bond's responce:

(1) Ndokumbira utarise zvaunofunga kuti ndizvo zvinotsanangudza maficha uye masangano enharaunda anofanirwa kushandurwa kureva hupfumi, zvematongerwo enyika, tsika, murume/ pabonde, ecology, nezvimwe?

I tend to work on intermediate-level 'non-reformist reform' strategies against capitalism as a first priority, accompanied by Marxist political economic critique. I think the best I might offer to reflect on this is bepa I presented yesterday which draws out the way Africa's underdevelopment might be analysed from this standpoint, and some implications for the global justice movement.

(2) Ndezvipi zvinangwa zvako zvekuchinja uku, unotsvaka kuzvigadzirisa, kana zvakadaro neshanduko dzipi, zvakafara? Iwe unotsvaga kutsiva masangano aya nemamwe mamwe? Kana zvirizvo izvo zvinotsiva zvimiro zvinotaridzika sei, ndezvipi zvinotsanangura maficha, hongu muchidimbu?

I don't have confidence in the contemporary world balance of forces changing, so while the core problems are generated at the global scale, we probably best direct our energies - at least in the next couple of decades - towards takeover and transformation of *national* governments.
Each case of revolution will be different and it is invidious to promote blueprints (though the parecon model is very attractive to be sure). The most important basis for designing post-capitalist/racist/patriarchal/anthropomorphic strategies and replacement institutions, is the existing campaigning of mass democratic movements. Shortcuts can do more harm than good.

(3) Ndivanaani vaunofunga kuti vane hunyanzvi mukuzadzikisa zvinangwa izvi kureva mapato ezvematongerwo enyika, vashandi, vakadzi, vatsoropodzi, vanobva kune dzimwe nyika, nyika dzakati kana matunhu, nezvimwe?

I have listed the 'global justice movement' components in the attached.

(4) Ndedzipi nzira dzaunoona dzichishandiswa pakati pekuita shanduko idzi kureva kuvhota, kuita zvakananga, kuita kwenhau, kuramwa mabasa, kuratidzira, nezvimwewo?

Tactics are so diverse that it is probably best to first outline strategies. The two core strategic arguments I tend to prioritise are 'decommodification' and 'deglobalisation of capital' (via globalisation of people). See attached for more.

(5) Mamwe maonero, ane pfungwa dzakasiyana-siyana pamusoro pekuchinja kwevanhu, anokwana sei muurongwa hwako nechiono?

I list four other politico-ideological perspectives in the attached (pp.34-35), and give a sense of where occasional alliances can be made by global justice movements with the 'Third World nationalist' and 'Post-Washington Consensus' perspectives.

Mission Statement

The International Project for a Participatory Society (IPPS) iboka revanhu vane chekuita nekukurudzira, kufambisa, nekutsigira kuedza kuumba, kugovera, nekusimudzira chiono nemazano ekuwana nzanga itsva inobatanidzwa.

IPPS inomirira hupfumi husina kirasi hwakavakirwa pakuzvitonga uye kuenzana, kune zvematongerwo enyika zvedemocracy uye kutora chikamu, uye kubviswa kwehudzvinyiriri, rusaruraganda, uye humwe hutongi hwese nehudzvanyiriri.

IPPS inotsvaga kujekesa chiono chenyika inodyidzana kuitira kuratidza kuti kune imwe nzira yerudzi, murume kana mukadzi, zvematongerwo enyika, nharaunda, nekumwe kusarongeka.


Sarudzo dzakakura dzesarudzo dzezvekutanga, sarudzo dzemari, uye nhengo nyowani dzichaitwa mumisangano yegore nenhengo dzese dzeboka dzinogamuchirwa kutora chikamu mhenyu kana online.

Voting in yearly policy meetings will be most often by majority vote with attention to a strong minority. Deviations will respect the concept of self management - decision making input in proportion as one is affected by issues at stake. Individual task forces will set up their own participatory decision-making process.

Sechinhu chakakosha chenhengo muIPPS, nhengo dzese dzinokurudzirwa kuti dzive nechekuita mukugadzira chiono uye zano kuburikidza nekutora chikamu mukuzvimiririra "editorial threesomes" (kana mamwe masanganiswa, kana ega) sekusarudza kunoita vanhu. Nekuzvimiririra tinoreva chero ivo vachishandisa misimboti nehunhu hweshoko redu rekutumwa.

-> nenhengo dzeboka (pazvinogoneka mumatatu ambotaurwa)

-> kutumwa uye kukumbirwa nevatatu

-> kubva kune zvisina kukumbirwa izvo zvinogovaniswa zvakaenzana pakati pevatatu kuti vabvumirwe
Zvimwe zviitiko zvichange zvichitariswa nemauto akakodzera anogadzirirwa zvinangwa zviripo.

Agenda yekutanga

At Woods Hole Massachusetts, on June 6, 2006, we designated the June 2006 Z Sessions on Vision and Strategy gathering as the founding and first policy meeting of the International Project for a Participatory Society. At this June meeting we decided our mission statement, name, project definition, basic principles/values, a date for the next policy meeting--in Atlanta at the U.S. Social Forum from June 27-July1 (possible online hookup for those who can’t be there)--and to present a Participatory Society program (building on the Life After Capitalism experience) at the Atlanta events.

Takasarudza kutarisa pane zvinotevera mumwedzi mitanhatu inotevera:

-> Kugadzira webhusaiti yekutaurirana neveruzhinji, nezvimwe.
Basa: Evan Henshaw Plath, Michael Albert, Justin Podur

-> Kugadzira zvemukati zveIPPS webhusaiti
Basa: Nhengo dzese dzakarongwa kuita edhita matatu kana mamwe masanganiswa, pamwe nekushanda imwechete. Avo vakapa zviono/maitiro mapepa kuZSVS vaigona kuvandudza pazviri; vamwe vasina kupa mharidzo vaigona kudaro; zvimwewo zvaigona kubata nzvimbo itsva dzekuitira hanya dzakadai semutemo, dzidzo, nharaunda, nezvimwe.

Mamwe matatu akagadzirwa pamusangano waChikumi:

Mutemo: Brecher, Sitrin, Ceric
Maodzanyemba ekuAsia: Kolhatkar, Podur, Mahajan
Dzidzo: Grubacic, LeJeune, Baillargeon
Kinship/ParSociety: Sargent, Ponnie, Peters

-> Kugadzira blog system yenhengo (yeruzhinji) dialog uye gakava
Basa: Justin Podur, Brian Dominick

-> Kutsvaga zviedzo muchiratidzo chekuvaka masangano
Basa: Sonali Kolhatkar, Jamie LeJeune, Tamara Vukov, Tom Wetzel, Marie Trigona, Milan Rai, Marina Sitrin,
Irina Ceric, Andrej Grubaci, Chris Spannos, Normand Baillargeon

-> Kugadzira tsamba yemukati
Basa: Marie Trigona, Andy Dunn, Lydia Sargent

-> Gadzira maturusi ekubatsira kuyedza mukugadzira masangano anotora chikamu munharaunda
Responsibility: Andrej Grubacic, Chris Spannos, Sean Gonzalves, Evan Henshaw Plath, Jamie LeJeune, Chantal Santerre

-> Gadzira chirongwa cheAtlanta Social Forum
Basa: Kendra Fehrer, Jamie LeJeune, Thomas Ponniah, Lydia Sargent, Michael Albert

-> Kugadzira hofisi yevatauri yenhengo
Basa: Cynthia Peters, Steve Shalom, Chris Spannos, Sean Gonzalves

-> Kubatsira nhengo nekuburitsa basa radzo
Basa: Ezequiel Adamovsky, Sonali Kolhatkar, Jeremy Brecher

-> Gadzira nzira dzekugadzirisa kusawirirana kwemukati, kukakavara, kukanganisa, nezvimwe.
Basa: Irina Ceric, Justin Podur, Milan Rai, Mark Evans, Kendra Fehrer


 - Argentina

Michael Albert - U.S.

- Great Britain

  - U.S.

Normand Baillargeon -

- U.S.

Peter Bohmer - U.S.
Patrick Bond - South

Jeremy Brecher  -

Dennis Brutus - Chamhembe Afrika

Irina Ceric - Serbia/Canada

daniel chavez - Netherlands

Noam Chomsky -

Carol Delgado - Venezuela

  - U.S.

Mark Evans - England

Kendra Fehrer - U.S.

Susan George - Furanzi
Jonah Gindin - Kanadha
Sean Gonsalves -

Andrej Grubacic -

Serge Halimi - Furanzi
Elizabeth Hartman- U.S.

John Hepburn - Ositireriya

Pervez Hoodhboy -

Robert Jensen - U.S.Ria Julien - Trinidad/U.S.

Naomi Klein - Kanadha

Sonali Kolhatkar - India/U.S.

Jamie LeJeune - U.S.

Rahul Mahajan  - U.S.

Mandisi Majavu -
Chamhembe Afrika

Felipe Pérez Martí - Venezuela

Pablo Ortellado - Brazil

Ilan Pappe - Israel

Cynthia Peters  -

John Pilger - Great Britain

Evan Henshaw Plath - U.S.
 - India/Canada

Thomas Ponniah - U.S.
Vijay Prashad - U.S.

Milan Rai - Britain

Carola Reintjes - Spain

Manuel Rozental - Colombia

Chantel Santerre - Canada
Sargent - U.S.

Steve Shalom  -

Devinder Sharma -
Vandana Shiva - India

Marina Sitrin  - U.S.

Chris Spannos - Kanadha

Marie Trigona -

Tamara Vukov - Canada

Harsha Walia - India/Canada

Hilary Wainwright - Great

Tom Wetzel - U.S.

Greg Wilpert - Venezuela

Tim Wise - U.S.

America Vera Zavala - Sweden

Howard Zinn - U.S.


Info, Networking, Tsvagiridzo

Zvinhu zvakakosha zvezviitwa zveIPPS zviri kugadzira uye kuparadzira
information that bears on vision and strategy - whether it is new ideas, criitical
accounts, historical reviews, surveys of projects, etc. - and creating contacts and
zvisungo zvechigarire pakati pevanhu pasi pose vane hanya nezvinhu zvakadaro.

Nhengo dzese dzinotora chikamu mubasa rakadai nenzira dzakasiyana siyana kusanganisira kunyora, kutaura,
kuitisa zviitiko nedzimwe nhengo, kushanda nemasangano, etc. Mishumo, ongororo,
chiono, zano, nezvimwe zvinoonekwa muchimiro cherondedzero pane ino saiti. Kukurukurirana kunoitika kuburikidza nesu
blog system. Kusvikira kunoitika kuburikidza nekutaura kubatanidzwa, kushambadza, ino webhusaiti,
kuronga chiso nechiso, nezvimwe.

As we are first forming, there isn't much to report at the moment...more later...


Zvese zvichangoburwa kubva kuZ, zvakananga kubhokisi rako rekutumira.

Institute for Social and Cultural Communications, Inc. ndeye 501(c)3 isiri purofiti.

Yedu EIN# ndeye #22-2959506. Mupiro wako unobviswa mutero kusvika pamwero unobvumidzwa nemutemo.

Isu hatigamuchire mari kubva kukushambadzira kana vatsigiri vemakambani. Tinovimba nevanopa semi kuti vaite basa redu.

ZNetwork: Nhau dzeKuruboshwe, Ongororo, Chiono & Strategy


Join the Z Community - gamuchira kukoka kwechiitiko, zviziviso, Weekly Digest, uye mikana yekuita.