

IPPS Strategy & Vision Q&A

Members of The International Project for a Participatory Society (IPPS) were asked to respond to a short list of questions relating to a future participatory society and how to get there. Although broadly formulated, the questions are aimed at extrapolating IPPS member thoughts and experiences on matters of strategy and vision. Here is Chris Spannos' responce:

(1) Kodi mungadziwe zomwe mukuganiza kuti ndizofunikira zomwe zikuyenera kusinthidwa monga zachuma, ndale, chikhalidwe, jenda/kugonana, chilengedwe, ndi zina zotero?

Kwa mabungwe azachuma ndikuganiza kuti umwini wabizinesi wazinthu zopindulitsa, misika, magawo antchito ndi malipiro akuyenera kuthetsedwa. Kwa ndale, mapangidwe amakono ndi njira zopangira malamulo a m'deralo, chigawo, dziko ndi mayiko, ndondomeko ya chikhalidwe cha anthu ndi chigamulo chake zimafunikiranso chidwi. Pachibale ndi mabanja olerera ana, kasamalidwe kake ndi kuyanjana ndi anthu, titha kupindula ndi kusintha kwakukulu. Kwa chikhalidwe cha chikhalidwe ndi chikhalidwe cha chikhalidwe chathu ndi madera athu, kusintha kwa ubale ndi zinthu zakuthupi mkati ndi pakati pa zipembedzo, uzimu, mafuko, ndi mafuko ziyenera kuganiziridwa. Ndipo potsiriza, ponena za kusintha kwa chilengedwe, nthawi zambiri, tiyenera kusintha mabungwe omwe amakhala ngati zolepheretsa kukhazikika komanso zomwe zikuwopseza dziko lapansi.

(2) Kodi zolinga zanu pakusinthaku ndi zotani, mukufuna kuzisintha, ngati zili choncho ndi kusintha kotani, mokulira? Kodi mukufuna kusintha mabungwewa ndi ena? Ngati ndi choncho kodi zolowa m'malo zimawoneka bwanji, mawonekedwe ake ndi otani, mwachidule?

For the economy, I advocate Albert and Hahnel's Parecon with its balanced job complex, remuneration for effort and sacrifice, and decentralized participatory planning. For politics, I'm inclined to think that Stephen Shalom's "Parpolity" vision with its nested council structure is worthy of much more exploration. For gender, sexuality and kinship, it's still very unclear for me, other than some basic initial thoughts like diversity of family arrangements and a sharing of parental roles among male, female, queer parents, communities and/or "co-parents" so as to have divers sets of familial socializing influences and outcomes for children. More discussion and debate is needed but I think the work done by Cynthia Peters is on the right track. For culture, I like the concept of "intercommunalism", which over simplified here, proposes to remove the material and social conditions which create hostile competition between communities. Rather, communities are guaranteed the resources necessary for their reproduction -- interacting among and with each other creating a rich diversity of cultures, ethnicities and religions. Individuals within these communities choose the religions, cultures and communities they themselves identify most with. For ecological vision, we could imagine ways in which societal institutions could affect our consciousness toward our built environment and enable Just, judicious and sustainable interactions between people, our built environment and our planets ecological foundation.

(3) Kodi mukuganiza kuti ochita bwino ndi ndani kuti akwaniritse zolingazi monga zipani za ndale, ogwira ntchito, amayi, amakasitomala, othawa kwawo, mayiko kapena zigawo zina?

Ndikuganiza kuti anthu eni eni ndi omwe ali ndi luso, koma ndi mabungwe a anthu ndi maudindo omwe anthu amakhala nawo mkati mwawo omwe amadziwika kwambiri ndi omwe amawadziwa komanso mitundu ya mavuto omwe amakumana nawo kuti asinthe anthu. Chifukwa cha izi ndizomveka kuti pali mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya ochita bwino chifukwa, ngakhale ndingathe kusamala za chilengedwe, kutentha kwa dziko ndi mavuto ena aakulu monga kuthetsa abambo, ndikusamalanso kuthetsa nkhondo, kuchita ntchito zina zofalitsa nkhani komanso kulimbikitsa njira ina. ku capitalism. Ndi chinthu chabwino kuti pali anthu omwe akugwira ntchito pazinthu zomwe sitingathe, chifukwa cha kusowa kwa nthawi m'miyoyo yathu kapena zochitika zomwe tingakhalemo. Kulemera kwabwino kumbuyo kwa kayendetsedwe kamodzi kapena kawiri, kunena kuti ogwira ntchito ndi othawa kwawo, kapena amayi ndi zipani zandale, ndiye kuti timachita zimenezo, koma si aliyense ayenera kutero, komanso sayenera kutero. M’kupita kwa nthaŵi kupita patsogolo kosatha kumene kwapangidwa pa mbali iriyonse ya mbali zimenezi kumadalira kupita patsogolo kosatha kumene kwapangidwa pa mbali zonsezi.

(4) Ndi njira ziti zomwe mukuwona kuti zikugwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pokwaniritsa zosinthazi monga kuvota, kuchitapo kanthu mwachindunji, kuchitapo kanthu pawailesi yakanema, kunyanyala, ziwonetsero ndi zina?

Ndikuganiza kuti kugwirizanitsa njira zonsezi monga njira yotakata ndizomwe zingapangitse kupita patsogolo kwakukulu kotheka. Koma vuto ndi loti palibe masomphenya ogawana komwe kuli komwe tikufuna kupita. Mwachitsanzo, tonse titha kuvomereza kuti dongosolo lazachuma padziko lonse lapansi liyenera kusinthidwa kuti malonda apakati ndi mkati mwamayiko azikhala mwachilungamo. Pakhala zopindulitsa zoyenda mbali iyi. Koma titha kukhala amphamvu kwambiri ngati pangakhale mgwirizano wabwino pakati pawo ndi kugawana zolinga, zofuna ndi nthawi yake pogwiritsa ntchito ziwonetsero, kunyanyala, zochita zachindunji, zigawenga, atolankhani ndi zipani zandale. Ndipo zikhoza kuchitidwa m'njira yotipititsira patsogolo ndi cholinga chopatsa anthu ulamuliro wotchuka pa zachuma, ndi zina, zosankha zomwe zimakhudza miyoyo yawo. Ndipo kupitilira apo, gulu lomwe lidagwirizanali likadagawana masomphenya amtundu wanji wachuma padziko lonse lapansi ndi mayiko ena, mabungwe, mabungwe ndi njira zopangira zisankho ndi ndondomeko zomwe tingafune.

(5) Kodi malingaliro ena, omwe ali ndi malingaliro osiyanasiyana okhudza kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu, akugwirizana bwanji ndi ndondomeko yanu ndi masomphenya anu?

In addition to developing and refining a shared orientation towards strategy and vision we should also be seeking to interact precisely with those people that we do not agree with and who disagree with us. We should be able to listen and learn from others and we should also be able to convincingly, confidently, rationally and passionately argue our points. People, who do not believe that societies defining institutions can be transformed, who do not believe in the capacity of people to self-manage their own lives, who do not believe in the potential to achieve equity and classlessness, need to be carefully listened to so that we can respond to their disbelief or explore their ambivalence in such a way so as to eventually bring them into our movement. And we need to do this until our movement grows to such a size that by having shared and coordinated strategy, tactics and vision, we can win. Now, of course it's true that people may have a better proposal for the kinds of strategy, tactics and vision we seek, and so we should concede that they are right, and then join the struggle to organize along their newly proposed lines. Just as, if we are right, they should join our proposed way. As long as we're all seeking institutional arrangements and outcomes that best facilitate and explore human potential, development and liberation then being right or wrong is simply the maze taken towards a common goal. Sure some will remain resistant because their wealth, power and privilege is an outcome of the current institutional arrangement, and so they are invested in it; or they are simply stubborn or sectarian, and so will remain in the wrong. But, if we are persistent, patient and persuasive in our efforts, I think most people will eventually come around to a hopeful and rational vision and strategy. So those left disagreeing will be those who defend the current inequities, who will be in the wrong, and will be a minority. And how we unseat them from their power is another question.

Mission Statement

International Project for a Participatory Society (IPPS) ndi gulu la anthu okhudzidwa ndi kulimbikitsa, kutsogolera, ndi kuthandizira zoyesayesa zopanga, kugawana, ndi kulimbikitsa masomphenya ndi njira zopezera gulu latsopano lotengapo mbali.

IPPS imayimira chuma chopanda kalasi yozikidwa pa kudzilamulira ndi kufanana, ndale za demokalase ndi kutenga nawo mbali, komanso kuthetsa utsogoleri, kusankhana mitundu, ndi maudindo ena onse ndi kuponderezana.

IPPS ikufuna kufotokoza momveka bwino masomphenya a anthu otenga nawo mbali kuti awonetsere kuti pali njira ina yosiyana ndi mitundu, jenda, ndale, zachilengedwe, ndi kupanda chilungamo kwina.


Mfundo zazikuluzikulu za mfundo zofunika kuziyika mkonzi, zisankho zachuma, ndi mamembala atsopano zidzapangidwa pamisonkhano yapachaka ndipo mamembala onse alandilidwa kutenga nawo mbali pa intaneti kapena pa intaneti.

Voting in yearly policy meetings will be most often by majority vote with attention to a strong minority. Deviations will respect the concept of self management - decision making input in proportion as one is affected by issues at stake. Individual task forces will set up their own participatory decision-making process.

Monga gawo lofunikira la umembala mu IPPS, mamembala onse akulimbikitsidwa kutenga nawo gawo pakupanga masomphenya ndi malingaliro kudzera mukutenga nawo mbali mu "editorial threesomes" (kapena kuphatikiza kwina, kapena payekha) momwe anthu amasankha. Mwa kudziyimira pawokha tikutanthauza malinga ngati akugwiritsa ntchito mfundo ndi mfundo zachidziwitso cha cholinga chathu.

-> ndi mamembala a gulu (ngati kuli kotheka mu atatu omwe tawatchulawa)

-> kutumizidwa ndikupemphedwa ndi atatu

-> kuchokera kuzinthu zosafunsidwa zomwe zidzagawidwe mofanana pakati pa atatu kuti avomerezedwe
Ntchito zina zidzayang'aniridwa ndi magulu oyenerera omwe apangidwa kuti akwaniritse zolinga zomwe zilipo.

Agenda Yoyamba

At Woods Hole Massachusetts, on June 6, 2006, we designated the June 2006 Z Sessions on Vision and Strategy gathering as the founding and first policy meeting of the International Project for a Participatory Society. At this June meeting we decided our mission statement, name, project definition, basic principles/values, a date for the next policy meeting--in Atlanta at the U.S. Social Forum from June 27-July1 (possible online hookup for those who can’t be there)--and to present a Participatory Society program (building on the Life After Capitalism experience) at the Atlanta events.

Tinaganiza zoganizira zotsatirazi m'miyezi isanu ndi umodzi ikubwerayi:

-> Kupanga tsamba lawebusayiti yolumikizirana ndi anthu, ndi zina zambiri.
Udindo: Evan Henshaw Plath, Michael Albert, Justin Podur

-> Kupanga zomwe zili patsamba la IPPS
Udindo: Mamembala onse adapangidwa m'magulu atatu kapena kuphatikiza kwina, komanso kugwira ntchito payekha. Iwo omwe adapereka mapepala a masomphenya / njira pa ZSVS akhoza kusintha; ena amene sanapereke ulaliki akanatha kutero; enanso atha kufotokoza zinthu zatsopano monga malamulo, maphunziro, chilengedwe, ndi zina zotero.

Zina zitatu zidapangidwa pamsonkhano wa June:

Lamulo: Brecher, Sitrin, Ceric
South Asia: Kolhatkar, Podur, Mahajan
Maphunziro: Grubacic, LeJeune, Baillargeon
Kinship/ParSociety: Sargent, Ponnia, Peters

-> Kupanga dongosolo lamabulogu kwa mamembala (anthu) kukambirana ndi kutsutsana
Udindo: Justin Podur, Brian Dominick

-> Kufufuza zoyeserera pakumanga kwamabungwe amasomphenya
Responsibility: Sonali Kolhatkar, Jamie LeJeune, Tamara Vukov, Tom Wetzel, Marie Trigona, Milan Rai, Marina Sitrin,
Irina Ceric, Andrej Grubaci, Chris Spannos, Normand Baillargeon

-> Kupanga kalata yamkati
Udindo: Marie Trigona, Andy Dunn, Lydia Sargent

-> Kupanga zida zothandizira zoyeserera popanga mabungwe ogwirizana
Udindo: Andrej Grubacic, Chris Spannos, Sean Gonzalves, Evan Henshaw Plath, Jamie LeJeune, Chantal Santerre

-> Pangani pulogalamu ya Atlanta Social Forum
Udindo: Kendra Fehrer, Jamie LeJeune, Thomas Ponniah, Lydia Sargent, Michael Albert

-> Kupanga maofesi olankhula kwa mamembala
Udindo: Cynthia Peters, Steve Shalom, Chris Spannos, Sean Gonzalves

-> Kuthandiza mamembala kufalitsa ntchito yawo
Udindo: Ezequiel Adamovsky, Sonali Kolhatkar, Jeremy Brecher

-> Kukhazikitsa njira zothetsera mikangano yamkati, mikangano, zolakwika, ndi zina.
Udindo: Irina Ceric, Justin Podur, Milan Rai, Mark Evans, Kendra Fehrer

Amene Ndife

 - Argentina

Michael Albert -US

- Great Britain


Normand Baillargeon -


Peter Bohmer -US
Patrick Bond - South

Jeremy Brecher  -

Dennis Brutus - South Africa

Irina Ceric - Serbia/Canada

daniel chavez - Netherlands

Noam Chomsky -

Carol Delgado - Venezuela


Mark Evans - England

Kendra Fehrer - U.S.

Susan George - France
Yona Gindin - Canada
Sean Gonsalves -

Andrej Grubacic -

Serge Halimi - France
Elizabeth Hartman - U.S.

John Hepburn Australia

Pervez Hoodhboy -

Robert Jensen - U.S.Ria Julien - Trinidad/U.S.

Naomi Klein - Canada

Sonali Kolhatkar - India/U.S.

Jamie LeJeune - U.S.

Rahul Mahajan  -US

Mandisi Majavu -
South Africa

Felipe Pérez Martí - Venezuela

Pablo Ortellado - Brazil

Ilan Pappe - Israel

Cynthia Peters  -

John Pilger - Great Britain

Evan Henshaw Plath -US
 - India/Canada

Thomas Ponniah - U.S.
Vijay Prashad -US

Milan Rai - Britain

Carola Reintjes - Spain

Manuel Rozental - Colombia

Chantel Santerre - Canada
Sargent - U.S.

Steve Shalom  -

Devinder Sharma -
Vandana Shiva - India

Marina Sitrin  - U.S.

Chris Spanos - Canada

Marie Trigona -

Tamara Vukov - Canada

Harsha Walia - India/Canada

Hilary Wainwright - Great

Tom Wetzel -US

Greg Wilpert - Venezuela

Tim Wise -US

America Vera Zavala - Sweden

Howard Zinn -US


Info, Networking, Research

Mbali zazikulu za ntchito za IPPS ndikupanga ndi kufalitsa
information that bears on vision and strategy - whether it is new ideas, criitical
accounts, historical reviews, surveys of projects, etc. - and creating contacts and
maubwenzi okhalitsa pakati pa anthu padziko lonse okhudzidwa ndi nkhani zoterezi.

Mamembala onse amatenga nawo mbali pantchitoyi m'njira zosiyanasiyana kuphatikiza kulemba, kuyankhula,
kuchititsa zochitika ndi mamembala ena, kugwira ntchito ndi mabungwe, ndi zina zotero. Malipoti, kusanthula,
masomphenya, njira, ndi zina zimawoneka ngati zolemba patsamba lino. Zokambirana zimachitika kudzera mwathu
blog system. Kufikira anthu kumachitika kudzera mu zokambirana, kusindikiza, tsamba lino,
kukonza maso ndi maso, etc.

As we are first forming, there isn't much to report at the moment...more later...


Zaposachedwa kwambiri kuchokera ku Z, molunjika kubokosi lanu.

Institute for Social and Cultural Communications, Inc. ndi 501(c)3 yopanda phindu.

EIN # yathu ndi #22-2959506. Zopereka zanu zimachotsedwa msonkho kumlingo wololedwa ndi lamulo.

Sitimalandira ndalama kuchokera kwa otsatsa kapena othandizira makampani. Timadalira opereka ndalama ngati inu kuti agwire ntchito yathu.

ZNetwork: Nkhani Zakumanzere, Kusanthula, Masomphenya & Njira


Lowani nawo Gulu la Z - landilani kuyitanidwa, zolengeza, Weekly Digest, ndi mwayi wochita nawo.