Welcome to the launch of ZNetwork… the spirit of resistance is reborn!
Dear Z Community,
I have worked on Z Magazine and ZNet, and before that on South End Press, for about forty-five years. I am excited and pleased, albeit also a bit sad, to have reached a point in my life that says, stay close but move on. It is time for new blood.
After months of collaborative effort to generate an updated and re-designed website including, in time, a fresh new scope of projects, I am excited to welcome you to the launch of ZNetwork: ZNetwork.org
ZNetwork has a new staff of seven international volunteers, who together with me conceived and implemented its updated features. It has an entirely new look. It has new components, partly evident right off, partly to emerge in weeks to come.
Heading into the future, ZNetwork’s staff will still curate materials each day, but will also generate more original materials than in Z’s past. ZNetwork will still prioritize vision and strategy, but also give increased attention to art and culture, outreach and partnerships, and especially to education and organizing.
Finally, by way of explaining my own role, I am stepping down as Staff. No more day to day involvement. No more making daily decisions or doing daily tasks. And I am stepping up as one of a group of ZFriends available to consult, solicit, and otherwise aid coming endeavors.
I am incredibly pleased with the international collective that is taking up this work. I am sure it will grow itself and grow the project in years to come.
I hope you will aid their efforts.
Michael Albert
Friend of ZNetwork
A letter from the Z Staff…Hello & Welcome!
Meet the new Z Staff
Testimonials from Z Friends