In commemoration of the August 1945 nuclear bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, We Advocate Thorough Environmental Review (WATER) hosted a public forum at the Mt. Shasta Library, honouring the life and work of Daniel Ellsberg. His work as a whistle-blower releasing the Pentagon Papers and his further revelations of the US nuclear posture were discussed.
Speakers are:
- Molly Brown, M.A., M.Div; Molly has been a friend to Dan Ellsberg’s wife Patricia. A prominent local activist, she leads workshops on helping people respond to global crisis.
- Geneva Omann, Ph.D. Biochemistry, Secretary of WATER.
- Daniel Axelrod, Ph.D., Physics, on the history of nuclear threat-making as part of US foreign policy; a co-author of “To Win A Nuclear War” with Dr Michio Kaku.
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