SDS Minutes – 11.20.10
Updates: New Chapter, Winter Workshop, Constitution
Winter Work Shop
Becoming and UNT Group and SDS Chapter
Google Group
Revolutionary Art
Winter Work Shop
SDS literature is available on SDSDC and the National SDS websites. Mike proposes we use this to make packets for people to read outside the workshop. This would allow us to spend more time research local issues and integrating basic ideas into our strategy.
Proposal Mike: Winter workshop readings will be bottom lined among the group. Drawing frist from the SDS website when available, and then reaching out to other sources so that the total of the SDFS literature is used and available. People RSVP and we send them a digital packet including what to read for what days, but still planning to hold the meetings so that people who haven’t read won’t be clueless.
Day :1 Vision and Theory of Radicalism
Democratic Theory – Ben
Parecon (video speech) – Garrett
Anti-oppression (Theory, history, etc.) – Mike/Kaitlin
Visualize democratic campus – AL/Garrett
Our place in the revolution – Garrett
Criticism of media/politics – Garrett/Candice
Day 2: SDS as a Whole
History – AL
Explaining the SDS Constitution – AL
Caucuses – Mike
Linking to other SDS groups
Day 3: SDS This Chapter
Consensus – Mike
Anti-oppression (practice) – Mike/Kaitlin
Conflict Resolution – Ben
How to Have a Discourse (Non-Violent Communication, Respect, etc.) – Garrett
SDS and UNT – Garrett and AL
UNT and SGA power structure – Garrett and AL
Other movements on campus ? other groups come speak – Stewart will contact.
Issues on campus – Ben
Day 4: Strategies and Action/Media and Rhetoric
Research and issues
Media workshop – Garrett and Candice?
Grassroots Gazette- Garrett
Other chapter questions
Day 5 : Decision making
Day 6 : Extra Time
Art Day
Crazy Art PARTY!
We need to figure out where we are going to hold it over break – Mike will research
Becoming a UNT Student Group
Garrett has paperwork.
Google Group
Garrett will gather all emails. We still have an SDS Google group so we’ll clean it up and use that.
SDS Tabling
Donations box.
We will be tabling Monday from 9-12
Revolutionary Art
Outreach to art students at UNT through SDS.
John and Jason are going to begin the process of constructing an artist work group to work with SDS.
Constitution Brain Storm
Establish accountability
Non-negotiable principles
Means expulsion and membership
Leadership (power with others, not power over others.
Responsibilities of leaders
Use of finances
Structure of SDS
Working group
What SDS wants to do
Illegal Activities
Expectations of Members
Can we provide anything to people?
Changing the constitution and bylaws
Garrett and AL will take all the brainstorming notes, separate them into Constitutional and Bylaws and begin fleshing them out into more detailed sentences and paragraphs. At the next meeting we will go over Garret and AL’s ideas and discuss them further.
Next meeting is November 27th at 6:00 PM (tentatively)
Candice brought up that we need to educate people on how to bring up proposals. This may need to be something covered in the winter break meetings. Mike says that the facilitator should play an active role in helping people structure their proposals. We should also try to make the next meetings a bit more formal and we need to hone our consensus making skills. We also need to be more punctual.
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