Novi Plamen is a leading new left-wing magazine on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia. It is published by the Demokratska misao (en: Democratic Thought) publishing house. The main editors of the magazine are Filip Erceg, Dan Jakopovich and Goran Markovic.
The magazine has a wide Advisory Board consisting of famous international left-wing figures such as Noam Chomsky, Ken Coates, David Graeber, Michael Albert, John McDonnell MP, Catherine Samary and Jean Ziegler, as well as leading left-wing intellectuals and public figures from South East Europe, including the president of the Croatian Writers’ Association Velimir Viskovic, professors Rastko Mocnik, Predrag Matvejevic and Miodrag Zivanovic, writer Slobodan Snajder, Sonja Lokar, Bosnian ex-government ministers Marko Orsolic and Dragoljub Stojanov etc.
The name Novi Plamen (New Flame) is an allusion to the legendary magazine Plamen edited by Miroslav Krleza and August Cesarec.
Dan Jakopovich
“We who have a Voice must be a Voice for the Voiceless!”
Oscar Romero
This epoch needs popular tribunes. An unseen plundering of social ownership has been commited on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia, in the midst of a bloodbath between brothers. How else could they have done it? We should have gone towards a humanistic, democratic, libertarian socialism of the 21st century, a society of human solidarity, peace and progress – not back to capitalism, the system of theft and exploitation, where we have become serveants of foreign and domestic capital, where the politicians are a part of the same interest bloc – united against their people – and the concept of politics as an activity for the common good has been crippled.
We have to regenerate our society on the basis of the world of work and the world of culture and knowledge, on the basis of interethnic tolerance and the achievement of the broadest democratic rights. We have to resist the marginalization of all progressive and noble ideas in the contemporary society, renew the cultural circle destroyed in the bestial war…
We will serve as a reference point for progressive forces in our area, a decisive answer to the fragmentation of progressive ideas and movements. We want to serve as a democratic laboratory of new ideas, promote freethinking, openness and peaceful cooperation, be the voice of the voiceless in our society. We won’t let corrupt politicians, avaricious employers and blunt bureaucrats to exploit and degrade us.
We want justice and progress, peace and social security for all, as well as full, direct – political, social and economic democracy. We want a society of true nonviolence, true freedom, a direct-democratic society – free and humane, democratic atmosphere and practice in public and private life. All those who share these goals and principles with us are our natural readers and allies.
If you want to support this project, you can send your donation to the bank account of the ‘Demokratska misao’ publishing house:
25000-0662-330 Zagrebacka banka, SWIFT ZABA HR 2x
ZNetwork is funded solely through the generosity of its readers.