Day :1 Vision and Theory of Radicalism
Democratic Theory
Parecon – video speech
Anti-oppression (Theory, history, etc.) – Mike/Kaitlin
Visualize democratic campus
Our place in the revolution
Criticism of media/politics – Garrett
Day 2: SDS as a Whole
History – AL
Linking to other SDS groups
SDS and the revolution
Day 3: SDS This Chapter
Consensus – Mike
Anti-oppression (practice) – Mike/Kaitlin
Conflict Resolution – Ben possibly
How to Have a Discourse (Non-Violent Communication, Respect, etc.)
SDS and UNT – Garrett and AL
UNT and SGA power structure
Other movements on campus – other groups come speak? Stewart will contact.
Issues – Ben
Day 4: Strategies and Action/Media and Rhetoric
Research and issues
Media workshop – Garrett and Candice?
Grassroots Gazette
Other chapters questions
Pick Days (Ben picked Democratic Theory)
We decided on the two day class one day break.
We decided to do it on the dates of ……
Thursday the 6th & Friday the 7th
Saturday and Sunday off
Monday the 10th & Tuesday the 11th
Wednesday off
Thursday the 13th & Friday the 14th
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