In the luminescence of their essences
Jonathan Gillis
4 May 2013
*/*living in a mansion of regrets\ clothed in shame/ my only\ both informal and formal/ dress\ broken knowing we’ll never kiss/ under starlight\ simply two spirits lit/ in the luminescence of their essences\ to a stranger from anonymous/ spoken from these depths\ where the danger of being alone/ like the imagined\ will no longer anguish or persist/ when the anger from a lifetime of disgrace vanishes\ what our aim is beyond being relative/ held up in a fortress of remorse and swept\ through a tempest consciousness/ what a cliffhanger it is that has us constantly perplexed!\ why is he so suddenly hysterically depressed?/ how a mismanaged kid nearly sang us to life from death\ is nothing short of miraculous/ who are we to even dare attempt to express\ that which we we’ve never experienced/ to care unconditionally is impossible when one despairs\ and is sickened by the sickeningly glare in the mirror in which he stares/ to share love would be a dream inconceivably conceived afar from this nightmare\ damaged beings beyond repair are often unseen/ even when they’re right there\ peripherally/ standing in the shadows of those putting on airs\ before we decided to travel on the road of our own choosing/ climb a mountain of fear\ eventually to simply disappear/ no missives\ just an empty chair/ a gentle breeze of energy on those of whom we’ve cared and looked after over shed tears\ I suppose it’s as close as we’ll ever go in saying how it feels/ existing in the absence of your laughter and warmth for years*\*
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