To the Adherents to the Sixth and the Other Campaign:
To the People of Mexico:
Compa~eros and Compa~eras:
During the past months of July and August, the EZLN’s Sixth Commission has carried out a series of contacts and consultations with different organizations, groups, collectives, families and individual adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the Other Campaign.
With that obtained from this consultation, we sent an evaluation and a proposal to our EZLN indigenous comandante Compa~eros.
The authorization from the CCRI-CG now received, the Sixth Commission will begin to announce, in the next days, a series of analyses, considerations and proposals. In several texts, the EZLN’s Sixth Commission will do a recap of the history which gave origin to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, a balance of “la Otra” at one year from its beginning, an analysis of the electoral fraud which culminated in the imposition of Felipe Caldero’n of the PAN as president of Mexico, our critical position before the mobilization against that rascality, as well as a proposal to the adherents to the Other Campaign for the next stages of the struggle which we have started together.
Now we communicate to you a first resolution taken based on that consultation and our evaluation.
First. With the demand of freedom and justice for our Atenco prisoner companer@s, the EZLN’s Sixth Commission will reinforce its solidarity presence in the country’s capital and, simultaneously, will again take up the tour which has been suspended, that way visiting the eleven (11) northern states of the Mexican Republic in which we have not yet arrived, to listen to the companer@s of those lands.
Second. For that, a group of comandantes and comandantas from the CCRI-CG of the EZLN/Sixth Commission will move to Mexico City, as a way of relieving Delegate Zero so that he can finish the tour not concluded.
While Delegate Zero travels to the country’s North promoting the struggle for freedom of our compas and listening to the word of the Otra in those places, the comandant@s will stay in Mexico City and its surroundings, pending the situation of the prisoners, and participating, as possible, in the activities which may be carried out demanding their release.
Third. In the tour which is being reinitiated, meetings with adherents and with Indian peoples from the states and regions will be attended to first, although participation in public acts which are agreed on among the adherents and the EZLN’s Sixth Commission is not dismissed. The aggression against Atenco and the prisoners’ situation will be broadcast everywhere.
Cuarto. In broad strokes, the tour will be resumed on October 9 of this year with the following itinerary:
Sinaloa (Escuinapa, Mazatla’n, Culiaca’n y Los Mochis); afterwards on the ferry to Baja California Sur (La Paz and, perhaps, Los Cabos); later by highway towards Baja California Norte (Ensenada, Tijuana, Mexicali, meeting with “la Otra en el otro lado” and visiting at some point the compas of the National Indigenous Congress-Northeast: los Indian peoples kumiai, cucupa’, triquis and mixtecos); from there to Sonora (Santa Ana, Hermosillo, Guaymas-Empalme, Ciudad Obrego’n and, on the trajectory, we will meet with the Indian peoples pa’pagos, seris, mayos, yaquis and pimas, also from the CNI-Northeast); then, from Los Mochis, by train to the Sierra Tarahumara, in Chihuahua, to meet with the Rara’muri compa~ero members of the CNI; afterwards continuing by train to arrive in Chihuahua, continuing on by highway to Ciudad Jua’rez and Parral; afterwards to the lakes region in Coahuila and Durango; then to several points of the state of Zacatecas; from there to San Luis Potosi’, the capital the high plateau; later to Monterrey y Linares, in Nuevo Leo’n; then Saltillo, Monclova and Pasta de Conchos, in Coahuila; afterwards Matamoros, Ciudad Victoria and the southeast of Tamaulipas, and from there travel to the Huasteca of Potosi’ to end there national tour, and to return to the Distrito Federal [Mexico City] (tentatively the end of Noviembre).
Fifth. The itinerary is made based on the adherents in each state or region, and on the activity proposals which we had done before the shameful events in San Salvador Atenco, May 3 and 4 of this year. The details of dates and routes will be announced at their opportunity, due to the fact that we are still looking at the routes and the condition of the roads, and will be in communication with adherents in the states of Northern Mexico and of “la Otra en el otro lado.”
Sixth. This decision of the CCRI-CG and its Sixth Commission has already been consulted with and approved by the companer@s of the Peoples Front in Defense of Land, attacked, together with other companer@s of the Oher Campaign, on May 3 and 4 2006, by the forces of the federal government and the government of the state of Mexico. The Atenco companer@s have indicated agreement.
Comite’ Clandestino Revolucionario Indi’gena-General Command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army.
Sixth Commission of the EZLN
Subcomandante insurgente Marcos.
Mexico, September 13, 2006.
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