Vijay Prashad
to Elisabeth Armstrong and Brian Steinberg for discussions on this subject.
a somewhat recent issue of <Counterpunch> the editors quote a rather
obscure AFL-CIO official who is said to have commented that ‘grassroots
authenticity’ is overrated. The editors take this to mean that the ‘labor
bureaucrats’ at 16th Street in Washington are out of touch with, and indeed
detractors of, the militancy at the grassroots. This leads the editors to
question the authenticity of the changes from above wrought by the election of
the Sweeney slate in 1995. There is much merit in viewing the changes with
caution, but there is little to be gained by the ritual of denunciation indulged
by some figures on the Left. As it stands now, militancy from below (‘grassroots
authenticity’); is the engine for union democracy, but allies above should not be
discounted for this crucial struggle. To dismiss what is snidely called the
‘labor bureaucracy’ is to discount the value of many allies within the structure
whose commitment to union democracy is impeccable. That Richard Bensinger earned
‘early retirement’ from his job as organizing director of the AFL-CIO is perhaps
unfortunate, but this itself provides insufficient grounds for dismissal of the
entire organization.
and Militancy
the folks at <Counterpunch> avoid the trivial position of such as Manuel
Castells, that technological changes have rendered the proletariat
non-revolutionary (a position first enunciated by Marcuse in his famous 1965
<Praxis> article, where he called the communist parties ‘doctors at the
bedside of capitalism’);. Certainly the end of the Keynesian compromise (demand
management) means that the role of labor unions needs to be rethought – as firms
take advantage of the practice of ‘flexibility’ to their advantage, union
militancy can mean the transit of certain kinds of firms away from unionized
shops. However, vast sections of the economy are not so mobile, such as
municipal and service work. This is one reason why unions in these two sectors
are now stronger than those in industry (and not for any mystical shift in the
general tenor of the economy – industry continues in the US, but not in states
with a high union density). From above comes the message to target these sectors
of the economy to ensure that union resources are used to their maximum effect.
Invigorated Central Labor Councils and the Union City concept allows unions to
struggle within specific shops whose wages determine the earnings in a region.
To revitalize labor culture, the AFL-CIO’s concept of ‘street heat’ is crucial:
‘Street Heat is about mobilizing union members and the community around action –
a small but effective protest, a mass march and rally, a canvassing of
neighborhoods. Through mobilization efforts like these, we can activate the
power that exists within our ranks. We let employers and politicians know that
working families are watching and ready to respond. We spark a larger movement
by inspiring others to join the fight. And after years of being on the
defensive, we take the initiative, we restore the right to organize and we
revitalize the labor movement’ (this is from the AFL-CIO’s <Mobilizing to
Win> document from 1997). 157 Central Labor Councils are now committed to the
Union City concept.
recognize that the threat of ‘flexibility’ works most effectively with some
industries rather than others, and that international cooperation is often an
effective deterrent against transnational firms. Thus, in the International
Longshoremen’s Association Local 1814 ongoing fight against Domino Sugar’s
Brooklyn plant, the union contacted the International Union of Food,
Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers
Association which represents the workers of Domino’s parent company, Tate &
Lyle. The International sent a letter to its affiliates around the world on 25
August to put pressure on Tate & Lyle (who also own the notorious A. E.
Staley of Decatur, Ill.). This is one way to deal with ‘flexibility,’ to urge
for more international solidarity. That the AFL-CIO of Sweeney refused its CIA
subsidy of $10 million is a mark of its renewed commitment to genuine
internationalism. A second way to deal with ‘flexibility’ is to study the shifts
in the economy, to learn how to build workers’ power in this new context, and to
provide certain work services in the interim (such as the National Labor
College). In Seattle, computer software workers created WashTech last year as an
affiliate of the Communication Workers of America. The goal of WashTech is to
visit the problem of temporary work within the industry – a sign that labor is
aware of the shifts in the economy. Few intellectuals have answers to the
problems of ‘flexibility,’ but we do seem to make a career of mocking the trials
of labor in this conjuncture. The concept of ‘flexibility’ and management’s
creative use of technology has re-created the work structure in certain fields.
The challenge for unions is how to craft militancy in the age of ‘flexibility.’
food service workers at Trinity College (founded 1823), where I teach, are part
of HERE Local 217. They are in the midst of their first contract renegotiations,
one that is not coming easy from Sodexho-Marriot. As part of the fight, the
Faculty Labor Action Committee circulated a petition among the 160 faculty and
collected 105 signatures within a week. The Student Labor Action Committee did
much the same, and many staff members expressed their sympathy for and/or
solidarity with the workers. The culture on the campus has been decisively
altered by the presence of a workforce that is at once proud to be in a union
and not entirely distraught by its working conditions. This struggle, in many
ways, would not have occurred without the renewed pledge to organize workers
from the ‘labor bureaucracy.’ In previous years, so many union organizers waited
for workers to call them for a card count; now the organizers hustle to see what
struggle they might insert themselves into. The militant (mainly immigrant)
workers and the Sweeney slate rewrote the history of Local 217.
union, further, cannot afford to remain immune from the total struggle of the
workers. Take HERE’s Local 2 in San Francisco whose drive to organize Park 55
Hotel was aided by AIDS activists because the union negotiated the first AIDS
disability benefits in the country. ‘We have a pretty extensive community
support plan,’ reports Lisa Jacques of the Local. ‘We go out with the workers
and speak to local organizations about our campaign and how it fits in with our
community struggles. We commit to joining other people’s events. We can’t just
expect people to show up for our events without us contributing to the larger
struggle.’ In Philadelphia, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust will use $123
million in pension funds to renovate low-income and moderate-income housing.
This is the tenor of the renewed AFL-CIO, one that cannot be entirely measured
at 16th Street, but whose dynamic needs to be gauged in such new developments on
the ground (if I had more room I’d elaborate upon the Campaign for a Sustainable
Milwaukee, a labor-community coalition).
above, Sweeney hired a slew of new directors and deputy directors for the
Department of Field Mobilization (1996). In the West, he brought in Mark Splain
and Pat Lee (founding member of the radical Asian Pacific American Labor
Alliance): if these people had been around earlier the Los Angeles Manufacturing
Action Project (LAMAP) may have been a true success story (as noted by Tom
Gallagher in <Z Magazine,> November 1998). New York’s Mary Fears Creighton
came to take charge of the Mid-West along with Milwaukee Central Labor Council’s
Bruce Colburn (also of the New Party, whose views can be gleaned from a notable
<Nation> article of 18 November 1996). To direct the South, Sweeney hired
Kirk Adams (then of SEIU, now Organizing Director) and Ken Johnson, director of
the Southern Labor Institute (founded in 1984 by people such as William Lucy of
the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. The Institute pioneered the Rural Coop
Democracy and Development Project). In the East, importantly, we have two
well-regarded progressives, Joe Alvarez (previously UNITE’s political director)
and Merrilee Milstein (once Connecticut’s Deputy Secretary of State and militant
Vice President of Local 1199, Connecticut). The presence of these veterans as an
alternative hub to the power of some recalcitrant Locals is a symbol of the
changes from above. To dismiss them cavalierly is to miss a chance to give these
progressives the kind of community support so integral to the reconstruction of
US Labor. In a recent issue of <New Politics> (vol. 7, no. 2, Winter
1999), Kim Moody argues that we stand before a choice. ‘We can tinker at the top
telling ourselves all the while that things are getting better in the house of
labor. Or we can lend a hand to those who seek a deeper change and are willing
to put up with debate, political conflict, an informed rank and file, and the
other facets of democracy because they know that ultimately that is where the
power of the unions will be found.’ I don’t see the logic of the binary offered
to us. We can do both – fight among the grassroots, the militant rank and file,
in the street heats, as well as work to give our allies who work within the
ensemble of 16th Street to shift resources the way of militancy.
Prashad Assistant Professor
International Studies 214 McCook
Trinity College, Hartford, CT. 06106. 860-297-2518.