Michael Towsey

Picture of Michael Towsey

Michael Towsey

Dr. Michael Towsey is currently a Research Fellow in bioinformatics at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane., and a faculty member at Prout College. His Ph.D. from the University of Queensland was in the field of machine learning. His previous degrees were in biology and agriculture. He has worked at universities and IT companies in New Zealand, Australia, the United Arab Emirates and Germany. He has presented papers on the philosophy of P. R. Sarkar to many international conferences. In 2003, he was engaged by the national oil company of Venezuela, PDVSA, to conduct a training seminar on Prout's cooperative economic system and the role it can play in the development of Venezuela. A student of the philosophical works of P. R. Sarkar for the past 30 years, he has published a number of works in the field of philosophy and economics, including Taxation for Sustainable Communities, Self-reliant Regional Development, A Sociology for the New Agedhe Eternal Dance of Macrocosm.


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