Asifa, my child, I wish
I was not writing about you
But holding you to my chest.
Asifa, I wish you were watching
Joyfully as I ripped apart
The hyenas and hung their
Entrails at the temple door,
So the gods therein would  smell
The stench of their complicity.
What wicked deity could
Give you those beautiful black
Eyes just so you could be witness
To your so beastly mutilation?
Asifa, you were born in a country
That did not deserve you, that does
Not deserve millions of your sisters
Either. This is the territory of predators
Merely and gods are their
Benefactors, presiding over their kills
With male delight, while the goddesses
Seem powerless as most women.
They chose a temple so the gods
Would protect them and pour benediction
Over their unthinkable evil–all  on behalf
Of a favored community who did
Did not wish to see the least of
“Their” land frequented by an
“Alien” band, although one in nature
With more ancient claim to
Forest, foothill, river, and pasture.

Thus men of “standing” made an
Example to serve your riven little
Corpse to the “enemy” as a sample.
Thus you were fed as a morsel to
Gods who these days all ruling
Excesses endorse. Pious middlemen.
Of the “national interest” came
Out thronging the streets, officers of
The Law cocking many a snook with
Aplomb at instruments of justice
To which they ought to belong.

Asifa, my child, this gibberish that
I am writing is but a weak old man’s
Confession that the knowledge
Of what horror transpired upon
Your uncomprehending, aghast innocence
Can never be captured in words
Of commiserate distance, however
Blood-drenched the heart and the
Fingers that seek to reduce to sense
The infernal terror of your experience.

Asifa, angel, I cannot now assure
You that your sacrifice will encrypt
The future from gruesome rites,
But, my child, how I wish you
Would come to me at night and
Upon my chest and arm find
Home again and lose all your fright.
How I wish some god somewhere
Would grant this much miracle
To my failing human sight.

ZNetwork صرف پنهنجي پڙهندڙن جي سخاوت جي ذريعي فنڊ آهي.


بدري رائنا سياست، ثقافت ۽ سماج تي هڪ مشهور مبصر آهي. Znet تي سندس ڪالمن کي عالمي فالوو آهي. رائنا چئن ڏهاڪن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين دهلي يونيورسٽي ۾ انگريزي ادب کي سيکاريو ۽ ڊڪنز ۽ دياليٽيڪڪ آف گروٿ جو تمام گهڻو مڃيل ليکڪ آهي. سندس شاعريءَ جا ڪيترائي مجموعا ۽ ترجما آهن. سندس لکڻيون هندستان جي لڳ ڀڳ سڀني وڏن انگريزي اخبارن ۽ رسالن ۾ شايع ٿيون.

جواب ڇڏي وڃو جواب رد

۾ شريڪ ٿيو

Z کان تمام تازو، سڌو توهان جي انباڪس ۾.

انسٽيٽيوٽ فار سوشل اينڊ ڪلچرل ڪميونيڪيشن، Inc. هڪ 501(c)3 غير منافع بخش آهي.

اسان جو EIN # 22-2959506 آهي. توهان جو عطيو قانون طرفان قابل اجازت حد تائين ٽيڪس ڪٽائي سگهجي ٿو.

اسان اشتهارن يا ڪارپوريٽ اسپانسرز کان فنڊ قبول نٿا ڪريون. اسان توهان وانگر ڊونرز تي ڀروسو ڪندا آهيون اسان جو ڪم ڪرڻ لاءِ.

ZNetwork: کاٻي خبرون، تجزيو، ويزن ۽ حڪمت عملي

۾ شريڪ ٿيو

Z کان تمام تازو، سڌو توهان جي انباڪس ۾.

۾ شريڪ ٿيو

Z ڪميونٽي ۾ شامل ٿيو - واقعي جي دعوتن، اعلانن، هفتيوار ڊائجسٽ، ۽ مشغول ٿيڻ جا موقعا حاصل ڪريو.

موبائل ورجن کي ختم ڪريو